After more than a decade of web development under my belt, I’ve seen a lot of things, and I’ve done a lot of things. Experience. It’s great !

Sometimes though, it will hold you back !

You start to become complaisant, your stack is The stack, this fad will die soon anyway, (or worse) I’ve always done it this way.

I’m the same, so sometimes, I kick myself a bit, get my thumbs out of their dark place, and try something new. I’ll guide you through my selection process.

NOT that !

That being wordpress, in this case. First time I used it was in ‘06, as a installer/maintainer(ish), I did not like it. The first Job I had, we were using WP extensively, I did not like it. I used it on my own and help a friend, I still did not like it.

Don’t get me wrong, it has ,still, a time and a place to be used even if I don’ like it. Not here though. In order of ascending importance, this is why.

Hardware/stack requirements

Yes, it would run on a potato but if you want your site to be fast, you are going to need good hardware.

On top of the web server, you need PHP and a SQL database of a decent size so if you want a somehow fastish site, no free hosting for you.

Mandatory updates

Updates are cool right ? Yeeaahhh, weeeell, yes, but… You gotta be on top of the damn thing all the bloody time.

Core, theme, plugins… damn… plus system updates if you configure you server yourself.

And this HAS to be done ! because …


It’s a nightmare. Because it is used on more or less 40% of the web, it is a prime target for hackers.

That is without talking about plugins…. between further attack surface and down right malware… you have to be so careful…

But you can mitigate that !

Yes, you can. Theme from scratch, no/few plugins, html export, etc. It’s gonna be fun !!! NO !, it is not, well, yes it is but it gets old sooo fast…

No, what I need is a Static Site Generator !

What do I need (want !)

I know what I really do not want (wordpress), now, what do I want ?

I want simple

Low code (no code ?), flat files (markdown if possible), builds to html. BOUM, that is it.

No database, no admin gui, I want it slick. My editor, a terminal and a browser should be all I need.

This also excludes javascript ! Wait why ? Because I’m tired of js this, js that, dependencies for centuries, node_module black hole directory, etc… I still don’t really like javascript 15 years in, if I can do without, I’m’na be A, O, K !

I want fast

I want my site to be fast, I want the build to be fast, I want the dev server to be fast, I want the deploy to be fast.

I like fast website, especially when you have mostly text ! This is mostly text, it should be fast !

I do not know if I’ll end up using some sort of hosted CD/CI thing but even locally, I’d rather have 1 second builds than 10 minutes ones.

I don’t need light speed when writting (or developping the site) but modifications should be visible in under a second (time for me to switch workspace).

If I can avoid more manipulation than pushing to git when I want to update the site, I’ll be happy. Fast ops means I am more likely not to procrastinate !

Gentlement, choose your language !!!

I am not the most adventurous of devs. I do not like feeling dumb and starting in a new language is a sure way to feel dumb.

I am (was, did not practice for years) fluent in PHP, I started programming with python eons ago, I tried ruby a bit. If I did not want to feel dumb, I would have had a bunch of choice I guess.

Yet again, sometimes, it’s good not to be the smartest guy in the room ! (What do you mean I’m the only one here ?) On top of which, I mean, have you seen the hype around new languages ? Go this, rust that, elixir blablabla… I want to be part of the cool kids too !

elixir is out, I don’t like functional (sue me) ! Sooo ? rust ? or go ? go ? or rust ?

Well let’s open a couple of source file to see which one seems more appealing…

Go seems… ok, nothing I can’t grasp from a look…

Now Rust, what do you….. oh geez nope, nope ! I got Arduino for that, probably really cool and stuff but, meh, I pass.

Go it is then, not that I plan on coding anything (from scratch, and at all if I could) but it would be an entry point ^^. So what’s the most popular Go SSG (Static Site Generator) ?

Hi Hugo !

Half a second of internet search later, my browser is shouting Hugo at my face, I guess it’s popular then. Trying something new does not necessarily mean esotheric, having a bit of a crowd already means that it’s more polished and that you’ll find documentation and…

Themes, that’s good !

Can you hear the sweet whisper of lazyness calling you … ("someone else done most of what you need, why bother ?"). As it turns out Hugo have a good selection of themes and easy ways to overwrite it, cool.

I settled on m10c for a few reasons:

  • dark (you’ll burn your retinas on someones else’s site)
  • side menu
  • sass support (I hate css, sass a tiny bit less)
  • 100% page speed score

It’s good enough for now, yes there are a few things I don’t like and I’ll probably create a theme at somepoint (wink wink).

Well, theme selected, now you get to work !

Don’t install, run with docker !

I stoped installing most of my tools, I use docker now, it forces a bit of tech on me, it consumes more space… but HEEEEEELLL it makes your life much less sucky when you have a petazillion projects…

Ever updated node (or php, mysql, apache, whatever) for one project, just to utterly anihilate most of the other stuff your were working on ? ….this is NOT fun !

I tried VMs (Virtual Machines), but gigs were going way too fast !

Containers are the best compromise IMO ;)

I use aliases to “install” containerized tools, here is my alias for hugo:

alias hugo='docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src -p 1313:1313 klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine'

you could go overkill with something on the line of:

export HUGO_DOCKER_PORT=1313
export HUGO_DOCKER_IMAGE=klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine

alias hugo='docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src -p $HUGO_DOCKER_PORT:$HUGO_DOCKER_PORT $HUGO_DOCKER_IMAGE'
alias hugo-srv='hugo server -p $HUGO_DOCKER_PORT'

I did not ^^.

I’m still having to code, a bit

Theme customization means a bit of html and css, on top of that, shortcodes are cool, I am going to try to use a good amount, I already use them for outro and common project presentation stuff.

I’ll find a way to share them, maybe an mdd command to simplify/streamline/consolidate my shortcode creation process… we’ll see…

Nothing in Go for now, which is good, I can concentrate on content !

What now ?

As very lightly hinted, you can expect more on this site creation process, maybe some tutorials if I feel confident enough in my knowledge ^^.

As always, you can report issues or suggest ideas on dbuild github repository. Or even better, you can submit a pull request if you added something you find meaningful.

Thanks for the read and I hope you found it useful (or at least entertaining :D )

See you around and happy coding !