Do you like unit tests ? I don’t, but they are useful… I’ll probably go at it in a Black hole at some point…

But for now, rejoyce ! parseArger is not (mostly) unit tested, yay !

And as a bonus, you guys get to enjoy basic project unit tests generation ! What is not to like, hum ?

Bash and unit test

I’ve had a few looks at bash unit testing in the past and, maybe because of my complicated relationship with unit tests, I did always put it off… this time, well…, it was time.

ParseArger definitly grew enough to need them so….

I settled on Bashunit.

Is it the best ? I dunno…

The most complete ? dunno…

Fastest, easiest, anything … ? mehh, dunno…

It’s there, updated, decently documented, and I will hate it at some point, so might as well go with that.

I know it’s not the most convincing argumentation for a tool, but sometimes, the only bad choice is not choosing. And here, everything seems more or less equal.

Once the lib is chosen, a quick install curl -s | bash (see doc for more info) and boom, I got my testing lib !

Run the parseArger tests

I won’t bother you with writing about unit test writing… it would be boring out the boring…

Bashunit documentation has some great example and you can always check parseArger tests folder for more examples ;)

I just wrote all that to inform you that, if youd like, once parseArger is installed, you could run its tests !

# go to ionstall folder
cd /parseArger/install/folder
# run the tests
./lib/bashunit ./tests

I want to shame you with coverage !

Sure, if I felt shame about that ^^.

Now it can still be an interresting metrics, so I use bashcov for that and it works as follow :

# go to ionstall folder
cd /parseArger/install/folder
# run the tests
bashcov ./lib/bashunit ./tests

Because a bunch of temporary script are generated and removed, bashcov spits a bunch of warnings that do not matter (annoying nonetheless…).

A new directory coverage will contain bashcov html output.

Note that you will have to install bashcov on your own !

Unit tests for YOUR project !

Yep, that’s right ! parseArger project can now install bashunit AND generate basic test files for your command and sub-commands.

It will just run your command help for now, but this will probably get worked on in the future (testing every argument, option, flag, one-ofs, etc …)

just use the --unit-test flag on your project command :

parseArger project my-project --unit-tests \
  --project-subcommand cmd-one \
  --project-subcommand cmd-2

Then to run your newly created fatastic and wonderful unit tests, run the following :

cd my-project
./lib/bashunit ./tests

And now the only excuse you have not to write unit tests for your bash programs, is your very own lazyness (what ? I suffered through it so if you won’t, you’ll at least feel guilt 3:D, you are welcome :) )

What now ?

I’ve done the antagonizing bit just above, so now comes the balm :

  • it is easy
  • it is fairly fast
  • you will thank yourself (me ? …) later !

If nothing else, you can just run your command to make sure it exists nicely ;)

As always, you can report issues or suggest ideas on parseArger github repository. Or even better, you can submit a pull request if you added something you find meaningful.

Thanks for the read and I hope you found it useful (or at least entertaining :D )

See you around and happy coding !